Can you eat lemon peel? Well, it depends on what kind of lemon you have. Some lemons are suitable for both the juice and their peels. For example, organic lemons are best to use with its skin as some pesticides may stay on non-organic lemon peel even if washed well.

Many citrus fruits have edible peels, which provide lots of nutrients. The color of the peel depends on the variety of citrus fruit. Yellow or green-skinned produce, like oranges or limes, is most commonly used in cooking.

Benefits of eating the lemon peel.

Lemon is known as Citrus limon and is a sour fruit widely used in cooking. The juice of the lemon, along with its peel, provides numerous benefits to our bodies:

1. Improvement of the immune system

Vitamin C is an essential substance for our immune system to fight infections or diseases. Some studies have shown that people who consume foods rich in vitamin C are less likely to suffer colds.

2. Improved metabolism

Lemons contain lots of pectin fiber, promoting healthy weight loss by reducing appetite and food cravings. Furthermore, their high potassium levels help reduce water retention and prevent high blood pressure.

3. Healthy skin

Lemon juice helps remove dead skin cells, prevents acne, and reduces wrinkles. In addition, as lemon is a natural source of AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids), it rejuvenates the skin by removing the outermost dead skin layer to reveal a smoother complexion.

4. Nutrition of lemon peel

Peels have lots of nutrients too. They contain high vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and other antioxidants beneficial to our overall health.

Lemon peel also contains high amounts of pectin, which acts as an appetite suppressant. Just like lemon juice, pectins can reduce cravings by creating bulk in the stomach, which makes

5. Can be used to make tea

Instead, of wasting lemon peel use it to make lemon tea. Adding some ginger and honey makes it a very healthy drink.

6. Helps in weight loss

A study in mice showed that the compounds extracted from lemon peel helped in weight loss. Feeding the mice with Lemon polyphenols suppressed the weight gain.


Ways to use lemon peel

There are many uses for lemon peel. I have some of my favorite services here:

1) Lemon peel helps get rid of acne.

Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with one teaspoon of olive oil to create a paste, then apply onto the face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.

2) Make scented bags

Make scented bags by putting lemon peels in small muslin bags. Put them wherever you store your spices, like cupboards or kitchen drawers.

3) Beautiful smell inside the house

Make your house smell fresh by boiling lemon peels in water with cinnamon sticks. First, strain out the peels, then transfer the liquid into an air-tight glass jar and place it on a sunny windowsill for it to ferment.

4) Use lemon peels to make tea

Steep lemon peels with hot water for 10 minutes to release all their antioxidants and flavor. Next, strain the tea, then add honey to taste.

5) Make lemon water

Mix filtered water, lemon juice, and maple syrup in a glass jar with a lid. Shake well before drinking.

6) Use lemon peel as an exfoliator

Rub the inside of a fresh piece of the lemon peel onto your skin to remove dead cells or treat acne.

7) Window cleaner

Add a sprig of fresh rosemary to a glass jar filled with filtered water and a few pieces of lemon peel. Let it sit for some days, then strain the tea into a spray bottle. Use this to clean windows or your furniture.

8. For oral hygiene

If you have a toothache, use the inside of the lemon peel to rub onto the affected area for pain relief. Or you can use the peel on your teeth to freshen up your breathing.

How does eating a Citrus fruit peel make you feel?

Eating a lemon peel is refreshing and makes you feel more awake. It also stimulates digestion, which makes you feel full. Moreover, the fresh smell of lemons is more than enough to make you feel uplifted.

Side effects

Lemon peel is considered safe as there are no reported side effects. In addition, it is deemed to be safe by Food and Drug Administration( FDA). Still, it would help if you consumed it in moderation.

Eating lemon peels can result in side effects like nausea, so always eat them with honey. As for topical application on the skin, do not apply to sensitive or broken skin without consulting a doctor first.

Additionally, lemon peels can irritate the throat if consumed in large quantities. So always check for any symptoms or discomfort while eating lemon peel and stop eating if you feel any irritation.

Can you eat raw ginger? Eight benefits of eating raw ginger.