Are onions, vegetables, or fruit, has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people argue that they should be classified as vegetables because they are used in savory dishes. Others say that since they are sweet and can be eaten raw, they should be considered fruits.

So, what is the reasoning behind classifying onions as vegetables or fruits? The answer lies in each word’s definition. Vegetables are plants eaten as part of the main course, while fruits are plants eaten as desserts or snacks.
Therefore, we can classify onions as vegetables. Therefore, from the viewpoint of Botanists, onions are vegetables.
Are onions vegetables or fruit?
To define whether onions are a vegetable or fruit, first, we will look into the definitions of fruits and vegetables.
What is a fruit?
Fruit is a matured ovary of the plant. According to the technical definition, they are edible reproductive parts of the plant. Fruit is juicy and sweet when eaten raw.
What is a vegetable?
Vegetables are the edible part of the plant. They nay be roots, bulbs ( like onions) or leaves. So, according to this definition, onions are vegetables.
Let us find out how science defines onions
What is an onion?
Onion ( Allium cepa L.) is a vegetable that is most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Its closest relatives are garlic, scallion leek chive and Chinese onion.
According to wikippedia
Onions, also known as “bulbs” or “roots” in some parts of the world, grow from a single root system. Each plant has many small bulbils (or bulbs) connected with strings called flower stalks.
The edible part is a small, white bulb that grows underground. The bulb is surrounded by thin layers of skin that can be either brown or green. Onion skin is also edible, but most people remove it before cooking. When the onion is chopped, the individual bulbils break open and release a flavorful juice.
Onions have been cultivated for thousands of years. They are believed to have originated in the Middle East and Asia, but evidence shows that onions were grown throughout Europe during ancient times. The Egyptians considered them sacred, and many believe they were used as currency. There are records of onions being traded for gold!
How do onions grow?
Each layer of leaf grows from the center of the onion plant, which was planted as a tiny seedling in early spring. The leaves grow through summer until fall, when days begin to get shorter and cooler weather sets in. Onions do not like cold weather, so they start to bulb up and form the edible part of the onion.
The leaves at the top of the bulb die off and turn brown, but new leaves will continue to grow from the center of the bulb. So if you leave an onion in your garden over winter, it will keep growing fresh leaves until the weather gets too cold and it dies.
Onions can be grown from seeds or small onion plants (also known as sets). However, seeds take longer to grow into mature bulbs, so most gardeners prefer to plant sets.
You can read more on how to grow onions here.
Where do onion seeds come from?
Onion seeds are produced by flower buds located at the top of each bulb. The flowers make an onion seed with two parts: a round bottom and a flat top called an eye. This seed is then planted in soil, where it grows into new plants with just one stem – this becomes a stalk or leaf of the onion.
Is onion a stem vegetable?
Onion is a stem vegetable. The leaves at the top of the bulb die off and turn brown, but new leaves will continue to grow from the center of the bulb. So if you leave an onion in your garden over winter, it will keep growing fresh leaves until the weather gets too cold and it dies.
How do you store onions?
- Store onions in a cool, dry place. They can last for months if they are kept out of the sun and not exposed to much moisture.
- Never store onions with fruits like bananas, pears, and apples as the ethylene gas can interrupt onions’ ability to be stored for a longer time. Onions may also spoil the flavor of these fruits.
- Don’t refrigerate the onions as the damp conditions in the fridge can spoil them.
Onions related vegetables
Yes, there are a few vegetables that are related to onions. Garlic is one of them. Other vegetables in the onion family include leeks, scallions, and ramps. They all have a similar taste and texture, and they can all be used interchangeably in recipes.
I cook most of the curries with onions and garlic both. My gravies start with onions and garlic. It may be a personal choice that I like both as they complement each other’s flavors.
Are onions high in starch?
Onions are not high in starch. They are low-carbohydrate vegetables and contain about three grams of carbohydrates per serving. However, onions have a lot of sugar, so they are not suitable for people who follow a low-sugar diet.
What is the nutritional value of an onion?
Onions are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as potassium. They are also a good source of dietary fiber, which helps to keep your digestive system healthy. In addition, onions do not contain any fat or cholesterol, so they are considered heart-healthy vegetables.
Are Onions nightshade vegetables?
Onions are not nightshade vegetables. Nightshade vegetables are a group of plants that contain a chemical called solanine, which can be harmful to your health. Onions do not have any solanine, so they are safe to eat.
Do onions and garlic cause inflammation?
Onions and garlic do not cause inflammation. They are both considered to be anti-inflammatory vegetables. They contain a compound called allicin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body.
Is onion a vegetable or spice?
Onion is a vegetable. It is not a spice, but it can be used as a herb. Spices are dried parts of plants, such as seeds or bark, whereas herbs are fresh leaves and stem chopped up for cooking purposes.

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