If you’re looking for a way to add a smoky flavor to your dishes, fire-roasted tomatoes are a great option. However, they can be challenging or unavailable year-round in some areas. Fortunately, several substitutes can give you a flavor profile similar to fire-roasted tomatoes.

One option is to use smoked paprika, which has a deep, smoky flavor that can mimic the taste of fire-roasted tomatoes.

Another option is to use liquid smoke, which can be added to canned or fresh tomatoes to give them a smoky flavor.

Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce can also add a smoky, spicy flavor to your dishes.

substitutes for fire roasted tomatoes

Roasting fresh tomatoes in the oven or on the grill can also give them a smoky flavor similar to fire-roasted tomatoes. Another option is sun-dried tomatoes with a concentrated, slightly smoky flavor.

Tomato paste can also be used as a substitute, although it will not have the same texture as fire-roasted tomatoes.

How to Use Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

Fire-roasted tomatoes can be used in various dishes to add smoky flavor and depth. Here are a few ways to use them:

1. Salsa

Fire-roasted tomatoes make an excellent base for salsa. Chop them up and mix them with diced onion, jalapeno, cilantro, and lime juice for a delicious dip or topping for tacos.

2. Soup

Add fire-roasted tomatoes to your favorite soup recipe for a smoky twist. They work particularly well in tomato, chili, and vegetable soups.

3. Pasta Sauce

Use fire-roasted tomatoes as a base for pasta sauce. Blend them with garlic, olive oil, and herbs for a flavorful sauce that pairs well with any pasta.

4. Bruschetta

Top toasted baguette slices with fire-roasted tomatoes, fresh basil, and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar for a tasty appetizer.

5. Grilled Cheese

Add fire-roasted tomatoes to your grilled cheese sandwich for a smoky and delicious twist on a classic.

6. Stuffed Peppers

Mix fire-roasted tomatoes with rice, beans, or proteins of your choice, and spices to stuff bell peppers for a flavorful and easy dinner.

7. Omelette

Add fire-roasted tomatoes to your omelet for a smoky and flavorful breakfast.

8. Guacamole

Mix fire-roasted tomatoes with mashed avocado, lime juice, and salt for a delicious twist on traditional guacamole.

Experiment with different dishes and see how fire-roasted tomatoes can add a smoky, delicious flavor to your favorite recipes.

Best Substitutes for Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

Fire-roasted tomatoes add a unique smoky flavor to dishes, but they may not always be available or suitable for specific recipes.

Luckily, several substitutes can be used in place of fire-roasted tomatoes.

  1. Canned Tomatoes: Canned tomatoes are an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes. They are readily available and can be used in any recipe for fire-roasted tomatoes. However, they lack the smoky flavor that fire-roasted tomatoes offer.
  2. Smoked Paprika: Smoked paprika can add a smoky flavor to dishes. It can be added to canned tomatoes or any other tomato-based recipe to mimic the smoky flavor of fire-roasted tomatoes.
  3. Liquid Smoke: Liquid smoke is a concentrated liquid that adds a smoky flavor to dishes. It can be added to canned tomatoes or any other tomato-based recipe to mimic the smoky flavor of fire-roasted tomatoes.
  4. Roasted Red Peppers: Roasted red peppers have a smoky flavor and can substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes in any recipe that calls for them.
  5. Sun-Dried Tomatoes: Sun-dried tomatoes have a concentrated flavor and can be used instead of fire-roasted tomatoes. They do not have a smoky flavor but add a rich tomato flavor to dishes.
  6. Chipotle Peppers: Chipotle peppers are smoked jalapenos that can add a smoky flavor to dishes. They can be added to canned tomatoes or any other tomato-based recipe to mimic the smoky flavor of fire-roasted tomatoes.
  7. Tomato Paste: Tomato paste is a concentrated tomato product that can replace fire-roasted tomatoes. It does not have a smoky flavor but adds a rich tomato flavor to dishes.
  8. Fresh Tomatoes: Fresh tomatoes can be used instead of fire-roasted tomatoes but lack the smoky flavor. To mimic the smoky flavor, add a small amount of smoked paprika or liquid smoke to the recipe.

Several substitutes for fire-roasted tomatoes can be used in any recipe that calls for them. Each substitute has its unique flavor and can be used to add a smoky or rich tomato flavor to dishes.

1. Canned Diced Tomatoes

Canned diced tomatoes are excellent substitutes for fire-roasted tomatoes. They are readily available in most grocery stores and can be used in various recipes.

They are a convenient option for those who do not have access to fresh tomatoes or do not have the time to roast them.

How to Enhance Flavor

While canned diced tomatoes are an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes, they can lack the smoky flavor of fire-roasted tomatoes. However, there are a few ways to enhance their flavor:

  • Add smoked paprika: Smoked paprika can add a smoky flavor to canned diced tomatoes. Add a pinch to the tomatoes to enhance their flavor while cooking.
  • Roast the tomatoes: While canned diced tomatoes are already cooked, roast them in the oven to enhance their flavor. Spread the tomatoes on a baking sheet and roast them until slightly browned.
  • Add herbs and spices: Adding herbs and spices such as basil, oregano, and garlic can enhance the flavor of canned diced tomatoes. Add them while cooking to give the tomatoes more depth of flavor.

Canned diced tomatoes are an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes. You can enhance their flavor with a few simple tweaks and use them in various recipes.

2. Fresh Tomatoes: One of the substitutes for fire-roasted tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes are an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes. Their bright, juicy flavor can add a fresh taste to your dish.

Here are some roasting techniques you can use to get a flavor profile similar to that of fire-roasted tomatoes.

Roasting Techniques


Broiling is an easy and quick way to roast fresh tomatoes. Preheat your oven to broil, slice your tomatoes in half, and place them on a baking sheet.

Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Broil for 5-7 minutes until the tomatoes are charred and blistered.


Grilling is another great way to get that smoky flavor. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Slice your tomatoes in half and brush them with olive oil.

Grill for 3-4 minutes per side to get the smoked flavor.

Oven Roasting

Oven roasting is a classic technique that can give you a flavor similar to fire-roasted tomatoes. Preheat your oven to 400°F. Slice your tomatoes in half and place them on a baking sheet.

Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

Roast 20-25 minutes until the tomatoes are tender and slightly caramelized.

Fresh tomatoes are a versatile ingredient that can be used in many dishes. They can add a bright, juicy flavor to salsa, pasta sauce, or salad.

3. Tomato Paste

Tomato paste is a thick and concentrated tomato product made by cooking tomatoes for several hours until the water content has reduced significantly.

It is an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes, with a deep and rich flavor.

Using Water to Adjust Consistency

When using tomato paste as a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes, it is essential to adjust the consistency accordingly.

Tomato paste is much thicker than fire-roasted tomatoes, so add water to achieve the desired consistency.

Mix one tablespoon of tomato paste with two tablespoons of water. Mix well until the paste has dissolved and the mixture is smooth. Continue to add water until you reach the desired consistency.

Using tomato paste as a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes is a great way to add depth and flavor to your dishes. It is a versatile ingredient in various recipes, including soups, stews, and sauces.

4. Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is one of the popular substitutes for fire-roasted tomatoes and a versatile ingredient in various dishes, including pasta, pizza, and soups. It is made from fresh or canned tomatoes cooked and seasoned with herbs and spices.

Choosing a high-quality sauce with a rich, deep flavor is essential when using tomato sauce as a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes.

Look for sauces made with San Marzano tomatoes, known for their sweet, rich flavor.

You can also enhance the flavor of tomato sauce by adding roasted garlic, onions, or red peppers. These ingredients will add depth and complexity to the sauce, making it an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes in recipes that call for a smoky, charred flavor.

Tomato sauce can be used in a 1:1 ratio as a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes. If you want to add a smoky flavor to your dish, add a small amount of liquid smoke to the sauce.

Overall, tomato sauce is a great substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes that can be used in various dishes. Its versatility and rich flavor make it a staple ingredient in many kitchens.

VersatileIt may not provide the same smoky flavor as fire-roasted tomatoes
Easy to findQuality can vary depending on the brand
It can be enhanced with additional ingredientsIt may contain added sugar or preservatives
It can be used in a 1:1 ratio as a substitute

5. Tamarind Paste

Tamarind paste, a thick, dark brown paste made from tamarind fruit, is an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes.

It has a tangy, sour flavor that can add depth and complexity to your dishes.

Balancing Sweetness and Acidity

Tamarind paste has a unique flavor profile that can be sweet and sour. Balancing these flavors is essential when using tamarind paste to substitute fire-roasted tomatoes.

To balance the sweetness and acidity of tamarind paste, consider adding a sweetener such as honey or brown sugar. This will help mellow the tamarind paste’s sourness and create a more balanced flavor.

Another option is to pair tamarind paste with other ingredients that have a natural sweetness, such as sweet potatoes or carrots. This will help balance the tamarind paste’s sourness and create a more complex flavor profile.

Overall, tamarind paste is a versatile ingredient used in many dishes. Whether you are making a curry, a soup, or a marinade, tamarind paste can add a depth of flavor that will surely impress.

6. Red Bell Peppers

Consider using red bell peppers if you want a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes. They have a sweet and slightly smoky flavor that can be used in various dishes.

Roasting and Peeling

To prepare red bell peppers for your recipe, you must roast and peel them. Here is a simple method:

  1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Wash the peppers and dry them with a paper towel.
  3. Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds and stem.
  4. Place the peppers on a baking sheet, skin side up.
  5. Roast the peppers for 20-25 minutes until the skin is charred and blistered.
  6. Remove the peppers from the oven and place them in a bowl. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let the peppers steam for 10-15 minutes.
  7. Once the peppers have cooled, use a knife to remove the skin.

Roasted red bell peppers can be used in various dishes, such as soups, stews, salads, and sandwiches. They can also be topped with pizza or mixed into pasta dishes.

Red bell peppers are an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes and can add a unique flavor to your dishes.

8 best substitutes for fire roasted tomatoes

7. Smoked Paprika: Best Substitutes for Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

Smoked paprika is an excellent option for a smoky flavor that can replace fire-roasted tomatoes.

This spice is made by smoking dried peppers over oak wood, giving it a rich, smoky flavor that can add depth to your dishes.

Here are some ways you can use smoked paprika as a substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes:

  • Add it to chili: Smoked paprika can give your chili a smoky flavor without the need for fire-roasted tomatoes. Sprinkle some on your chili or mix it into the pot while it cooks.
  • Use it in marinades: Smoked paprika can give meat or vegetables a smoky flavor similar to fire-roasted tomatoes when marinated.
  • Mix it into sauces: Smoked paprika can be added to tomato-based sauces for a smoky flavor. It’s also a great addition to barbecue sauce.
  • Sprinkle it on roasted vegetables: Smoked paprika adds a smoky flavor that can make roasted vegetables taste like they were cooked over an open flame.

Smoked paprika is a versatile spice that adds smoky flavor to various dishes. It’s an excellent substitute for fire-roasted tomatoes and can be used in many ways.

8. Liquid Smoke: One of The Best Substitutes for Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

Liquid smoke offers a unique flavor profile reminiscent of the smokiness of fire-roasted tomatoes, making it a versatile substitute in various recipes. This concentrated liquid infuses dishes with a rich, earthy essence, adding depth and complexity akin to the charred sweetness of roasted tomatoes.

Whether incorporated into soups, stews, sauces, or dips, liquid smoked paprika lends a distinct smoky aroma and robust taste, elevating the culinary experience.

Its convenience and potency make it a convenient alternative for achieving that desired smoky essence, especially when fire-roasted tomatoes are not readily available or when a more intense flavor is preferred.

Conclusion for Substitutes for Fire-Roasted Tomatoes

In conclusion, fire-roasted tomatoes are a unique and flavorful ingredient that can add depth to any dish. However, several options are available if you cannot find them or prefer to use a substitute.

Canned tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, and sun-dried tomatoes are all great substitutes that can be used in various dishes.

Roasting your tomatoes is also a great option with the time and resources.

If you want a smoky flavor, smoked paprika or liquid smoke can add a similar taste to your dish. Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce can also provide a smoky and spicy kick.

For a tangy flavor, try using balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. These ingredients can add a bright and acidic taste to your dish.

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